Wednesday, January 16, 2013

2nd prize winners of our great contest!

OK. Drum Roll. Instead of 1 first prize and 5 second prizes there will be 3 first prizes and 3 second prizes.

2nd prize get any book about Belize you find on up to a value of $25.00US! If you see your name and entry here just email me at with your address and a phone number and a link to the book you'd like to have on and I will get it shipped to you.

Here are the SECOND PRIZE winners:

Al Kruebbe with

People smiling there
Two Belikins in my hand
Breakfast at Estelle’s
Mike Keenan with

Stringy hammock snaps
Flailing limbs sculpt sand angel
Belikin beckons

Jed Thompson with

Toucan achieve more;
Hol Chan on the horizon;
Chicken drops at 7!

First prize winners will be announced very shortly!

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